Elizabeth Warren Apologizes to the Cherokee Nation For Releasing DNA Test Results

The following is an excerpt from an article that was posted Feb 1, 2019 at the CNBC.com website:

Elizabeth Warren has apologized to the Cherokee Nation for releasing the results of a DNA test last year in an attempt to prove that she has Native American ancestry, the tribe said Friday.

The apology comes as the Massachusetts senator is expected to launch her 2020 presidential campaign in the coming weeks, after creating an exploratory committee in December.

According to the analysis of Warren’s DNA test, her Native American genes can be traced to just a single ancestor “6-10 generations” in the past…

Read the full article at the CNBC.com website.

About Leland Meitzler

Leland K. Meitzler founded Heritage Quest in 1985, and has worked as Managing Editor of both Heritage Quest Magazine and The Genealogical Helper. He currently operates Family Roots Publishing Company (www.FamilyRootsPublishing.com), writes daily at GenealogyBlog.com, writes the weekly Genealogy Newsline, conducts the annual Salt Lake Christmas Tour to the Family History Library, and speaks nationally, having given over 2000 lectures since 1983.

2 Replies to “Elizabeth Warren Apologizes to the Cherokee Nation For Releasing DNA Test Results”

  1. Does anyone trust this? Even if it were true — I firmly believe it’s just another political scam by someone with long practice int art form — how would this possibly justify her getting a position at Harvard? “Six to ten generations back”? Are you kidding us, Senator?

  2. What “art form” are you speaking of Jack? Listening to family lore as a child? Listing a single line in a listing of professors? Responding to slurs by a President? Meeting the President’s Challenge? Publishing the results?? Being attacked by the Cherokees?? Apologizing to the Cherokee Nation?? What “kidding” is going on Jack?? Sounds like she has been “up front” during all her being attacked many times!! Jack do you believe the stories told by your parents and grand parents?

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