Family Diversity, Volume II

In 1852 the great grandfather of Simon Lauer, Nicholas, immigrated from Germany. Between 1845 and 1860 one million Germans fled with hope in their hearts for an opportunity denied them by circumstances in their homeland. Family Diversity, the Lauer, Borgmeier, Bauer Families Deutschland to Baltimore, Maryland and the MacCubbins 1650 to 2006, Volume II, is the genealogies, the stories, the descendents and the ancestors of these immigrants. Produced as a family history by Nancy Lee Waters, the hundreds of names in this book represent not only the typical tale of German families from this time period, but also represents the ancestry of many times more descendents who hail from these immigrants.

“The volume traces the ancestry of William Edward Lauer back to his 5th great grandfather, Nicolaus Lauer, born about 1665 in Stürzenhard, Germany. The Borgmeir, Bauer, and Würz family is followed from the immigrant, John MacCubbin, through his son, William, to Mary Susanna MacCubbin Lauer” Much of the information found in this volume came from researching the cemetery records of The Most Holy Redeemer Cemetery and church records of St. James and St. John’s Catholic Churches. These records helped fill in gaps in birth, baptism, marriage, and death dates.

The 600 plus additional surnames appearing in the book include: Appold, Baker, Barry, Beard, Beck, Bell, Benda, Bensel, Benson, Betz, Biggar, Bilz, Bittner, Blaney, Bohli, Bonhack, Borgia, Brasseur, Brewer, Breyer, Burgess, Cain, Caldwell, Calnary, Carroll, Casselly, Chinea, Cook, Cromwell, Dellosso, Dewald, Diemer, Doyyle, Dressel, Duvall, Eberle, Eckle, Edinger, Ehrhart, Einolf, Falkenstein, Feiler, Feldevert, Feldewert, Fell, Fields, Finnegan, Finnick, Flaschentrever, Ford, Frey, Gareis, Geiling, Gilka, Gill, Gilman, Gist, Gottliebin, Grape, Gray, Greenholtz, Griffin, Griffith, Gutberlet, Gwinn, Gypp, Haas, Hall, Hamilton, Hammer, Hamper, Hanna, Harrison, Hayes, Heller, Henderson, Herchardt, Herrmann, Hintenach, Hochadel, Hoeck, Hoenig, Hofmann, Holland, Hood, Howard, Insley, Janssen, Jung, Kahler, Karger, Keenan, Keene, Kehl, Keiner, Kempf, Kilchenstein, Kiser, Knoedler, Koester, Lacks, Lederer, Leonard, Lesinski, Lingan, Linton, Lorenzo, Lun, Mackemull, Mayer, Meil, Melka, Miller, Moore, Mueller, Mullen, Nagel, Newton, Nicholson, Noell, Oler, O’Neill, Osenburg, Owens, Phillips, Polster, Rack, Reely, Reger, Repp, Reynolds, Ridgely, Rieke, Roache, Rossmann, Runk, Saul, Schaffer, Schanzenbacher, Scheel, Schlinkert, Schmidt, Schoch, Schoenig, Schroeder, Scully, Simpson, Skillman, Smith, Sommer, Spangler, Steck, Stiefel, Stumpfig, Sutton, Thillmann, Turner, Urbach, Valient, Veith, Vesely, Vogel, Vogler, Wacker, Wade, Waggner, Wagner, Waters, Weber, Weiger, Weitzel, Wernig, Westall, Wharry, White, Whitley, Wieman, Wilkins, Williams, Wirgelin, Wolff, Wuntz, and Zentz.

Nancy Water Lauer is a researcher, lecturer, college instructor, and award-winning author. In addition to the tradition genealogical data for up to seven generation, the author includes her own personal annotations and brief histories.

Volume I of this series earned the author The 1997 Heart of America Genealogical Society Award of Excellence. Lauer also earned “the 2007 National Genealogical Society Writing Competition Award for Excellence: Genealogy and Family History for her second book, Family Diversity – The Lauer, Borgmeir, Bauer Familes – Deutschland to Baltimore, Maryland and the MacCubbin’s 1650-2006 Volume II. This book also earned the 2007 Maryland Historical Society Sumner a Paker Award, for the best genealogy of a Maryland family. Nancy was a second place winner, 2010 ISFHWE Category III – Original Research Story, and Third place winner of the 2008 ISFHWE Category III – Original Research Story as well as a finalist in the 2008 California Genealogical Society’s writing contest.


Table of Contents

List of Figures



Lauer, Borgmeier, and Bauer Families

Lauer Family in Germany

Nicolaus Lauer


Herrmann Family

Johann Herrmann


The Veith Family

Kiser Family

Wurz Family

Johann Peter Wurz


Sommer Family

Reger Family

Schanzenbacher Family

Weber and Weidman Families

Bayrer/Bojer Family

Lauer Family in America

Simon Lauer

Wurz Family in America

Johann Michael Wurz

Maccubbin Family

John Maccubbin

Duvall Family

Mars Mareen Duvall

Cromwell Family

John Cromwell

Baker and Weiger Families

John Andrew Baker

Borgmeier Family in Germany

Martin Borgmeier

Feldevert Family in Germany

Johannes Bernard Feldevert

Hamper Family in Germany

Georg Hamper

Borgmeier Family in America

Adam Conrad Borgmeier

Hamper Family in America

Bauer Family in Germany

Heinrich Bauer

Bauer Family in America

Bauer Family


Appendix A

St. James Catholic Church

Appendix B

The Holy Redeemer Cemetery


The Holy Redeemer Cemetery

Appendix C

Civil War

Fifth Regiment Infantry





Family Diversity, the Huhn, Pestorf, and Steck Families 1600 to 1996, Volume I is the first in a three volume in this series.

Family Diversity, the Lauer, Borgmeier, Bauer Families Deutschland to Baltimore, Maryland and the MacCubbins 1650 to 2006, Volume II is the second in a three volume set available from Family Roots Publishing, Price: $49.49.

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