Irish Church Records

Recently we have reviewed a number of books on Irish genealogical research in specific counties. One of the key record types found across the country, if not the most prevalent record, are church records. Not just church records for one church either. There are historically eight major religions in Ireland. Irish Church Records: Their history, availability, and use in family and local history research details the records for each of these eight major religions, including:

  • Roman Catholic
  • Church of Ireland
  • Presbyterian
  • Methodist
  • Quaker
  • Huguenot
  • Jewish
  • Baptist

Irish church records are among the earliest and most comprehensive sources of genealogical information for Irish individuals, families, and social histories. However, there are few book or other published sources detailing the full nature of these records. Little is provided regarding how they were compiled or details on their contents and format. This book was produced in an effort to rectify this issue in some measure.

Irish Church Records is a collection of chapters written by different researchers and experts for each of these religious segments. Irish history and its settlement plays a large part in the religious makeup and geographical spread throughout the country. The introduction provides a brief historical background and each chapter provides an historical perspective for the given religion. Each chapter also defines the policies of each church on record keeping; plus, record survival, and current availability of the records. Each chapter also describes the types of records and their relevance to Irish family, church and local history. The locations of the records of each church, and guidelines for their access are also provided. The guide is extensively illustrated and indexed.





Chapter 1 Introduction by James G.Ryan

Chapter 2 Irish Quaker Records by Richard S. Harrison

Chapter 3 Records of the Church of Ireland by Raymond Refaussé

Chapter 4 Presbyterian Church Records by Christine Kenealy

Chapter 5 Catholic Church Records by James G. Ryan

Chapter 6 Methodists Records in Ireland by Marion Kelly & Robin P. Roddie

Chapter 7 Irish Jewish Records as a Genealogical Source by Raphael Siev

Chapter 8 Irish Huguenot Records by Vivien Costello

Chapter 9 Irish Baptist Church Records by H. D. Gribbon



Irish Church Records: Their history, availability, and use in family and local history research is available from Family Roots Publishing; Item #: FLP010, Price: $42.70.

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