101 Things You Didn’t Know about Irish History — 15% Off through Midnight Thursday, April 24

ig02A month and a half before we put on our sombreros, sing about a drunk cockroach, and eat too many tacos in the cultural celebration acknowledging our southern neighbors on Cinco de Mayo, we will first don a little green and hope for a little luck of the Irish on St. Patrick’s Day. Most you have probably heard the legend of St. Patrick driving snakes out of Ireland. But, what do you really know about the man? Did you know St. Patrick:

  • Was of British Celt ancestry?
  • Came to Ireland as its Bishop around 432?
  • Is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland?
  • Used the shamrock (three-leafed clover) to teach about the Trinity?
  • Argued with High King Laoghaire on behalf of Christianity?
  • Was on “speaking terms with both God and an angel?”
  • Wrote the prayer “Saint Patrick’s Breastplate.”

Image what else you don’t know about Ireland and the Irish. How about Vikings in Ireland? Who was Kevin of Glendalough, the tree hugger, or other Irish saints? How was Dublin founded? What about Gaelic? Irish communities around the world? There is a rich history and heritage from which millions the world over have descended. Many know they come from an Irish heritage, and most probably know more of the myths than they do the truths of the Emerald Isle. 101 Things You Didn’t Know about Irish History: The People, Places, Culture, and Traditions of the Emerald Isle was written to help those of Irish descent better know the homeland of their ancestors, as well as any other reader with a broad interest in history.

Authors Ryan Hackney and Amy Hackney Blackwell created this reference to educate the reader on:

  • the lives of the ancient Celts before the British invasions
  • famous Irish including Michael Collins, Charles Parnell and Bono!
  • the potato famine and emigration (were there really gangs of New York?)
  • Irish music and dance, and much more…

The guide even provides an Irish language prime and pronunciation guide. The book is compact in size to make reading easy; yet, full of the historical information useful to have at hand when researching Irish ancestry. Plus, the book is simply fun to read. I have always found interesting historical evidence for where myth is derived from truth. There are four sections and two appendices as outlined below in the Contents.

10% Off of 101 Things You Didn’t Know about Irish History: The People, Places, Culture, and Traditions of the Emerald Isle for a short time only from Family Roots Publishing




Part One: Prehistory and Mythology of Ancient Ireland

  1. The Earliest Inhabitants
  2. Mesolithic Age and the First Farmers
  3. Legends and Archaeology
  4. The Bronze Age
  5. Iron Come to Ireland
  6. Who Were The Celts and Kings
  7. Gaelic and Indo-European Languages
  8. Celtic Ireland
  9. Wild and Crazy
  10. The Seat of Ancient Kings
  11. Brehon Laws
  12. The Celtic Class System
  13. The Learned: Druids
  14. Celtic Art and Poetry
  15. Celtic to the End: The Never Conquered Nation
  16. The Celtic Pantheon
  17. The Otherworld
  18. Celtic Festivals
  19. Creation Myths
  20. The Battle of Magh Tuirdh and the Invasions of Milesians
  21. The Tain
  22. Heroic Deeds of Cuchulain
  23. Conchobar and Deirdre
  24. Finn MacCool
  25. Christianity Arrives

Part Two: The Arrival of Christianity (and the British Too!)

  1. Who Was St. Patrick?
  2. St. Brigid the Generous
  3. St. Columcille, Felonious Monk
  4. St. Columbanus, Missionary to Europe
  5. Wild and Crazy Irish Saints
  6. Irish Blend: Christian Traditions
  7. Monasteries in Ireland
  8. Schools and Universities
  9. The Pre-Xerox Age: A Life of Copying
  10. The Book of Kells
  11. The Rise and Fall of Irish Dynasties
  12. Anglo-Saxons in Britain
  13. Bring On the Vikings
  14. Dublin is Founded
  15. Life with Vikings
  16. What Would Brian Boru Do?
  17. An Ireland Unified
  18. The Normans  Are Here!
  19. The Irish Strike Back
  20. I’m Henry VIII, I Am: Tudor Colonization
  21. The Protestant Reformation
  22. Elizabeth I’s Reign
  23. The 1641 Rebellion and Oliver Cromwell
  24. The Williamite War
  25. Protestants Take Hold
  26. Catholic Life
  27. The Second City of the British Empire
  28. Protestant Irish Nationalism
  29. Wolfe Tone’s REbellion
  30. Hasta La Vista, Baby: Daniel O’Connel, the Liberator
  31. Catholic Emancipation

Part Three: Preserving Irish Culture and History

  1. Before the Reformation
  2. Ireland’s Counter-Reformation
  3. Religious Tensions in the North
  4. Modern Catholicism
  5. Scandals in the Church
  6. Traditional Irish Life
  7. Irish Language
  8. Irish Music
  9. Before There Was Riverdance…
  10. Death and the Supernatural
  11. Irish Sports
  12. Rich Folklore and Heritage
  13. Potatoes, for Better or Worse
  14. Life During the Famine
  15. Help! Responses to the Famine
  16. Results of the Famine

Part Four: Emigration to Modern Life

  1. Why the Irish Left–and Where They Went
  2. The Hardships of Emigration
  3. The Immigrant Experience in the United States
  4. Irish Communities in Other Lands
  5. The Rebirth of Nationalism
  6. The Home Rule Party
  7. A Celtic Revival
  8. An Ireland Divided
  9. World War I and the Easter Rebellion
  10. War of Independence
  11. Irish Civil War
  12. Irish Free State
  13. De Valera and the Fianna Fail Path
  14. World War II
  15. A New Republic
  16. Trouble in the North
  17. Sunday, Bloody Sunday
  18. The Peace Process
  19. The Good Firday Agreement
  20. Ireland’s Celtic Tiger
  21. Ireland and the European Union
  22. Modern Irish Politics
  23. The Liberalization of Ireland
  24. Women’s Rights
  25. Family Life
  26. Irish Food: Potatoes, Beef, and More Potatoes–and a Cuppa!
  27. For the Love of Irish Beer and Whiskey
  28. Irish Contributions to Literature and Art
  29. Tracing Your Roots

Appendix A: A Primer of the Irish Language

Appendix B: Irish Proverbs and Blessings



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