History of Louisianna: From Its First Discovery and Settlement to the Present Time [1842]

If I were to summarize what I remember learning about American History in public school, it would go something like this:

  • In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue
  • Then the Pilgrims came to Plymouth Rock
  • People came from Europe, mostly English, to practice free religion and other things.
  • The 13 colonies didn’t like the taxes and the the British ruled them so they dumped the Tea into the Boston Harbor and then went to war for freedom
  • The 13 colonies became the first states
  • People moved to territories which became states
  • The U.S. bought Louisiana and other land from France in the Louisiana purchase and Alaska from the Russians

Granted, I have filled in a few blanks since grade and high school. But, like most U.S. Citizens, I don’t know near enough about early settlers in North America outside the 13 colonies. I have only the vaguest sense of proper Canadian history or the history of the southern states like Florida and the areas encompassed in the Louisiana Purchase. Fortunately, there are those out there willing to help fill in my educational gaps without having to return to school. History of Louisiana: From Its First Discovery and Settlement to the Present Time, by E. Bunner, is just such a gap filler.

The book starts out with early explorers, most French in this case, and the connection between Louisiana, the Mississippi River, and Canada. Filled within the pages are details of land transfers between countries. The presence of both Spain and France in the Gulf Coast region and the treaties and wars alike with the Native population. The historical involvement of France and Spain in the Revolutionary War is covered, including the position of French citizens in Louisiana who “rejoiced at the opportunity thus presented of avenging the injuries of the last war.”

Other areas covered include Penal laws, slavery laws or the “Black Code,” laws upon husbands and wives; plus, involvement in the War of 1812 and other settlers to the area. It must be noted, that though the title of the book states “to the Present Time,” the present time at the printing of this book was 1842. This book was reprinted in 2008. Despite, or perhaps because of, the date or original printing, this book provides a great historical reference to state of Louisiana and the surrounding areas. History of Louisiana reads like a story, making it easier to follow than many modern history books. So, if you are like myself, and lack a proper education into parts of the modern U.S. but were not part of the 13 colonies, here is a chance to learn more about a very important segment of American’s past.



Chapter I Discovery of Canada

Chapter II Discovery of the Mississippi

Chapter III Settlement of Florida

Chapter IV Expedition of Joliet and Marquette—Hennein—La Salle

Chapter V Expedition of Iberville—Mississippi Company—Foundation of New-Orleans by Bienville

Chapter VI Indian Tribes

Chapter VII War of the Natchez

Chapter VIII Surrender of the Charter of the Mississippi Company—War of the Chickasaws—Interior affairs

Chapter IX Difference between France and England—General Washington—Nova Scotia—Fort Duquesne—Loss of Canada—Suppression of the Order of Jesuits

Chapter X Louisiana ceded to Spain

Chapter XI Conduct of O’Reilly—Villere—Acts of the Spanish Government

Chapter XII Galvez—War with England—Mira—St. Domnigo

Chapter XIII Carondelet—Fortification of New Orleans—Sugar Manufactory—French Emigrants—Treaty between the United States and Spain—Gayoso de Lemos

Chapter XIV Transfer of Louisiana to the United States

Chapter XV Territorial Government of Louisiana—Laws

Chapter XVI Spain–Conspiracy of Burr—General Wilkinson—Refugees from Cuba—Taking of Baton Rouge—Louisiana made a State—Constitution—Steamboats

Chapter XVII War with England—Battle of New Orleans

Chapter XVIII Prosperity of Louisianan—Bank of Louisianan—Laws—Florida—Mouth of the Mississippi—Lafayette—General Jackson elected President—National Bank—Cholera

Chapter XIX Tariff—Speculation—Lotteries—Banks—Madame Lalaurie—New Orleans Divided—Stoppage of Specie Payments

Chapter XX Project of Albert Hoa—Appropriations—Great Flood—Improvements in Louisiana—State of Society—Conclusion


Order History of Louisiana: From Its First Discovery and Settlement to the Present Time [1842] from Family Roots Publishing; Item #: HBB2275, Price: $27.93.

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