Call for Speakers Now Open for the APG Professional Management Conference

The following news release was received from Kathleen W. Hinckley, CG, with APG:

Theme for 2013 Conference to be “Marketing and Strategies”

The Association of Professional Genealogists (APG) is now accepting speaking proposals for the 2013 APG Professional Management Conference (PMC). The one-day conference will be held at the Radisson Hotel in downtown Salt Lake City on 20 March 2013, one day before the RootsTech Family History & Technology Conference (

“APG’s Professional Management Conference offers speaking topics not offered elsewhere,” said Kenyatta D. Berry, APG President. “Year after year, attendees look forward to learning new techniques for running their businesses and serving their clients. This year’s theme, “Marketing and Strategies,” reflects the qualities that make PMC a must-attend event.”

The deadline for proposals is 15 July 2012.

Call for Papers Details

PMC offers lectures that encourage attendees to improve both their genealogical and business skills. Lecture topics should challenge genealogical professionals to think outside the box, help professionals evaluate their current business, and encourage professionals to meet the demands of the twenty-first century client.

Lectures must be new, original, and on topics relevant to professional genealogists, but do not need to be specifically genealogical. The theme for the 2013 PMC is “Marketing and Business Strategies” and we welcome proposals on topics such as, but not limited to: the fours P’s of marketing (product, pricing, promotion, placement), building your brand, lecturing for success, driving traffic to your website, professional networking, keeping clients happy, converting prospects into clients, etc. Presentations from other professional fields on topics that would benefit professional genealogists will be considered such as tax deductions for genealogists, benefits of incorporating versus remaining a sole proprietorship, grants for genealogical research, etc. Lectures will be one hour, including questions; however, those offering a 2–3 hour interactive workshop are also encouraged to submit proposals.

Proposals should be submitted electronically to either in Microsoft Word or PDF format and should include the following:

  • Name, address, telephone, fax, and e-mail address of speaker
  • Title of the presentation
  • Detailed description of the presentation
  • Short one-sentence summary for the program brochure
  • Short one-sentence biography for the program brochure
  • Biography of 150 words for publicity and the PMC syllabus
  • Audio visual requirements
  • List of lectures given in the last 18 months including topic and location

Selected speakers will receive a complimentary registration to the APG Professional Management Conference, PMC syllabus, lunch, and a $400 all inclusive honorarium for a one hour lecture presentation or a $650 all inclusive honorarium for a two-hour lecture presentation. APG does not pay separate travel expenses or hotel costs.

About Leland Meitzler

Leland K. Meitzler founded Heritage Quest in 1985, and has worked as Managing Editor of both Heritage Quest Magazine and The Genealogical Helper. He currently operates Family Roots Publishing Company (, writes daily at, writes the weekly Genealogy Newsline, conducts the annual Salt Lake Christmas Tour to the Family History Library, and speaks nationally, having given over 2000 lectures since 1983.

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