What Does Your Family’s Medical History Look Like

Genetics can be a key indicator in determining one’s health risks and potential treatment of a problem. With all the buzz around tracing one’s ancestory through DNA testing, how often do we stop and think about our family’s medical history. A recent article in the Chicago Tribune addresses this important aspect of each of our family’s history. As genealogists, adding a medical history to the family history already collected and treasured should be a natural progression and inclusion. Take a look at the following article:

Resolve to chart family’s medical history

Improved records could help you, others in your family

Leslie Michelson, Special to the Tribune

As we all know, the typical New Year’s resolution can be summed up like this: “Feel like a failure by February.” Are you well on your way to keeping that one?

If so, how about a second chance? How about a “new” New Year’s resolution you can actually keep and feel good about the rest of your life — because you’ll live longer if you keep it?

Here it is: Resolve to chart your family medical history — for your good and theirs.

This simply requires illuminating your own records with a medical history of your family tree, then securely archiving the results. You can set this resolution into motion through a few hours’ effort, and the results will be permanent and priceless.

Here’s how, starting with the step that’s most fun.

Click here to read the full article.

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