The Portable Genealogist: New York State Census

ne30I have said it before, laminated guides are ‘all the rage.’ Why not? Most are well conceived, easy to follow, provide a wealth of information, and are easily referenced upon need. As such guides are easy to make, many groups have jumped in and have quickly offered up a variety of guides on all manner of subject pertinent to genealogical research. However, when a group like the New England Historic Genealogical Society steps in with an offering, one might expect something truly worth while. And, of course they have. Their newly produced series, The Portable Genealogist, offers great initial titles, including New York State Census, by Christopher C. Child.

What you will find in this new guide:

Page 1 begins with an introduction to the guide and to the census. Discover the years in which the census was taken; including, missing years and an abbreviated year. Also, learn what is unique to these censuses.

Page 2 offers a large chart showing, by census year, which counties were covered in pre-1915 census records. There is also information on where to find New York state census records.

Page 3 covers how to read and use census records. There are some great tips tied to a visual example from the 1855 census.

Page 4 gives and overview, in chart form, of information found in each census year. The final item is recommended resources.

Contents also include a few tips set to stand out in their own colored boxes.

Order The Portable Genealogist: New York State Census from Family Roots Publishing; Price: $6.81.



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