Fooling Around with WordPress Themes

Update: Okay – I’ve settled on the current theme for now. It’s called Vistalicious. I find it quite reader-friendly and I haven’t run onto any critical browser issues thus far. I’ve still got much to do, but the site is coming along well.

You may note that GenealogyBlog is taking on a lot of different looks today. That’s because there are currently about 540 different themes available that WordPress users can fool around with. Themes make up the background, fonts, and general layout of the blog. Before I settle on one, I need make sure that it’s something that both my readers and I can live with. I’ve found some themes work  in Internet Explorer, but not Safari – and so forth. Other than obvious bugs, and Web browser deficiencies, my major complaint so for has been the default type size for the body copy within many of these themes. I’m sure that most of these things are made by young people with young eyes. Us old folks need larger type.

This theme testing may take a few days. I’ll let you know when I’ve decided on a theme I think we can all live with.

4 Replies to “Fooling Around with WordPress Themes”

  1. Welcome back.

    I was going to comment on the difficulty I have in trying to read white or light colored text against a black or dark colored background but, when I clicked on the underlined subscribe to the RSS feed link in the upper right corner of the page, I was able to view black text against a white background. I mention this in case there are others who have a similar vision problem.

  2. You are correct. The RSS Feeds are always easy to read. However, the blog itself is supposed to be legible. I can’t deal with the dark background that’s currently up. I certainly wouldn’t spend much time reading it… So it will be changing soon. I’ve tested numerous themes today, and still haven’t found anything that doesn’t have a down side to it. Onward…

  3. I love WordPress, in fact I have it on my website as well. But when I try to subscribe to your RSS feed, I get “This page cannot be displayed”. I also subscribe to your RSS feed via my yahoo reader, but it says that GenealogyBlog hasn’t been updated in over three months, and it won’t refresh. Did something change, and how can I get to your RSS feed?

  4. Kathy,
    Thanks for the note. It sounds like I need to do something about the feed. I’ll work on it.

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